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You've probably heard the term "Kingdom Business" used in several time and perhaps you've not heard it before and you are curious to know what it means and how a kingdom business is different from any other business. Well, I will try my best to explain this term to you and why you should consider positioning your business as a kingdom business.

The truth is a kingdom business has similar goals as a regular business, i.e. it is established to make profit and serve its customers. But what makes a Kingdom Business different from any other business are its mission, vision and values. The strategies used in running a kingdom business might also be slightly different from strategies used in secular businesses. 

A kingdom business is simply a business established to serve humanity, support kingdom projects and bring glory to the name of God. The bible says "by their fruits you shall know them" , a kingdom business values  must align with the fruit of the spirit which are love,...

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faith Apr 21, 2018

So this morning I was studying the bible and I received some revelation on Faith that I’ll like to share with you. The bible says without Faith no one can please God, and Faith is the key to receiving from God so it is important as believers and business owners that we understand Faith and know how to exercise it.

Luke 17: 5-7

5 “The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" 6 And the Lord said, "If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you”.

The revelation I received from Luke 17:5 -7 was that Jesus response to the Apostle when they asked Him to increase their Faith shows that an increase in Faith is not what we need because even small Faith is enough to do mighty and extraordinary things. So His response sounded more like, “you guys don't get it, you are asking for an increase in faith when you don't even have the smallest of faith,  because if you...

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